Thermal painting to insulate and protect the walls from moisture .

Moisture problems are the major cause of the degradation of the walls in a home.

When leaving a wet spot on a wall can be due to two reasons:


1: In the condensation that is created in a particular space such as a bathroom or a kitchen, or for failing Thermal breaks.

2: leakage due to a leak, a broken pipe, etc. (This topic is discussed in our section IMPERMEABILIZANTES )


Today we talk about a solution to the condensation of moisture.

When leaving stains on the walls and ceilings are the result of condensation of moisture that may be in that environment for various reasons.

One solution is prevention. This is a special paint manufactured by us is a thermal paint applied with a roller, brush or trowel (like any ordinary plastic paint) providing a coating of white.

This painting has some insulating properties that keeps the painted surfaces warmer, eliminating the so-called thermal bridge between one material and another. Such as the thermal bridge created between a brick and plaster.

This painting creates a barrier that prevents the air condenses on the wall and prevents any moisture condensation, especially ceilings in kitchen and bathrooms where moisture condensation is greater.

You can see more details of this thermal paint or buy here.

Thermal paint to insulate and protect the walls of the cold

Another feature of this thermal paint, is getting a change in temperature of up to 8th in the room where it is applied.

It can be used both indoors and outdoors, so if we have the chance to paint both wall and ceiling (if penthouses) applied both inside and outside the room, double your capacity insulating and improve further its advantages as thermal and acoustic insulating paint

This thermal pintrura represents a great save on the electricity bill, both in summer and winter as improved thermal insulation of the room to both heat and for cold.

Thermal paint to insulate and protect the walls SOUND

This painting with thermal and acoustic insulation, also can be used to paint the walls of separation between floors, so we do not disturb the neighbors, or to not disturb us, if we have problems in our home soundproofing.

If we apply in our home on both sides of the wall, also doubling its advantages as acoustic insulation. We can use paint, to soundproof the room where music is performed, the lounge if you want do not disturb in the next room, etc ...


Insulation paint, sometimes also known as ceramic painting is a flexible special paint, developed using nanoparticles consisting of a high-qualityacrylic paint to which are added hollow ceramic microspheres that encapsulate help surface, which is applied to break the thermal shock.

Born of the need to isolate the NASA spacecraft, and are currently used in the industry in general, with a good reputation in the shipping industry.

This is a painting that when applied to the inside prevents heat loss in winter and heat keeps the building clean, free of bacteria, mold, odors and dust.


Its uses can vary widely in construction industry is recommended for use in waterproofing systems, duct sealing, exterior and interior painting on different materials such as concrete, brick, plaster, plasterboard, insulation and paint change roofing and siding lines in type sealing hairline cracks, isolation tanks, cellars etc.

In modern construction technology it is highly recommended for multifunctional thermal insulation, waterproofing systems, duct sealing, etc.

It can also be applied to interior or exterior surfaces such as concrete, brick, plaster and masonry for decorative purposes. For the metal surfaces of the roof.


Used in hot climates thermal paint can reduce up to 10 ° C, the temperature of the steel covers, aluminum, acrylic sheet, galvanized materials, metal, glass, etc. and slabs to 30 ° C. 

In cold weather thermal paint helps keep the right level of moisture in the atmosphere to prevent damage to the building moisture condensation occurrence of molds and bacteria, flaking etc., and to increase by up to 6 temperature of a room, and avoiding the feeling of cold walls.





Comments (6)

    • Winstonhex
    • 2020-03-12 12:06:26
    gracias beneficio de este importante sitio web revelador, Excelente ailante térmico en pintura líquida con micro esferas. Gracias por vuestro artículo.
    • 2020-03-12 12:09:02
    We need a Paint / coating for thermal and Acoustic Insulation for Interior Walls of Railway Coaches . Necesitamos una pintura / recubrimiento para aislamiento térmico y acústico para paredes interiores de vagones de ferrocarril. ............. RESPUESTA DEL TÉCNICO EN PINTURA ............ Perfecto, puedes utilizar nuestra pintura aislante térmica de gran calidad, en el interior de vagones, naves, locales, techos, etc... Si tienes alguna duda puedes contactarnos.
    • Julian
    • 2020-03-12 12:10:51
    Por favor me ayudas insonizar a nuestro local .......... RESPUESTA DEL TÉCNICO EN PINTURA ...... Puedes utilizar la pintura aislante con micro esferas huecas de cerámica para complementar la insonorización de tu local.
    • Felipe Solorza V.
    • 2020-06-10 15:40:26
    Estimados señores, vivo en Santiago de Chile, tengo una pequeña empresa "FESOL SpA" y nos interesa tener la representación de vuestros productos en Chile, en especial para pinturas térmicas. Favor enviar mas información y si existe la posibilidad de representarlos aquí en Chile. Cordialmente, +569 3024 3670
    • Mónica Alvarez
    • 2020-11-25 09:50:10
    Buenas! ¿Cuantos litros de pintura aislante necesitaría para un tejado de chapa de 150 metros cuadrados? ------------------------------ RESPUESTA TÉCNICO PINTURA------------------------ Hola Mónica, Si entra en el producto, debajo del botón de añadir al carrito de compra. Verá una pestaña que pone Rendimiento / Ficha Técnica, allí, podrá ver el rendimiento, tiempos de secado y dilución, etc.... En la otra pestaña verá toda la información de producto y cómo aplicarlo. Aconsejamos aplicar mínimo 3 manos, para alcanzar 750 micras,
    • Yo y yo
    • 2021-01-13 19:56:49
    Sr. informador. Pues debe haberse escondido con el frío esa pestaña que menciona, porque no aparece por ningún sitio. --------------------------------------- RESPUESTA ------------------------------------ ¿A qué pestaña se refiere?. Si quiere acceder a la pintura Aislante térmica y Acústica con micro esferas huecas, para ver su precio, ficha técnica y características, puede pinchar en el producto que aparece al final de este artículo,, ENCIMA DE ESTOS COMENTARIOS, o sino, en el texto donde pone: SI QUIERES CONOCER MÁS DATOS DE NUESTRA PINTURA TÉRMICA Y ACÚSTICA, PUEDES ACCEDER AL PRODUCTO Y A SU FICHA TÉCNICA PINCHANDO AQUI. Por favor, si no he solucionado su consulta, puede volver a contactarnos por cualquier medio. Tfno. 976045547, estaremos encantaados de atenderle. Un saludo. ................................. La pestaña a la que nos referimos en un comentario anterior para ver el rendimiento de la pintura aislante, está localizada dentro del producto, no en este artículo del blog. Primero debe de entrar dentro del producto, y allí, vera la FICHA TÉCNICA.

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